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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Bass strings are very dull sounding
Very good quality strings with good delivery.
These are one of the best Classical Guitar Strings with Low Price tag but they are not of cheap quality. In fact they have good Tone and they are Durable. Good Quality Classical Guitar Strings.
The product is average quality, good if you are on a budget
It's gud and price is reasonable.......
This wad my first express with and I am very happy with the service. Classical Guitar Strings I bought is of very good quality. Thank You :-)
The strings have a little damp sound. Good for deeper tone!
Bass strings are very dull sounding
Very good quality strings with good delivery.
These are one of the best Classical Guitar Strings with Low Price tag but they are not of cheap quality. In fact they have good Tone and they are Durable. Good Quality Classical Guitar Strings.
The product is average quality, good if you are on a budget
It's gud and price is reasonable.......
This wad my first express with and I am very happy with the service. Classical Guitar Strings I bought is of very good quality. Thank You :-)
The strings have a little damp sound. Good for deeper tone!