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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
It's worth it, Looks great, Humbuckers have very good dynamic range and sustain, The amp is loud enough for practice and has very good sound quality. go for it!
worth the price tag.. smooth playability and the sound decend for an entry level guitar
Love everything...Thanks for the good service too.
I ordered this on 26 august and it's 10 sptember and still not dilivered......thats awful......
It's worth it, Looks great, Humbuckers have very good dynamic range and sustain, The amp is loud enough for practice and has very good sound quality. go for it!
worth the price tag.. smooth playability and the sound decend for an entry level guitar
Love everything...Thanks for the good service too.
I ordered this on 26 august and it's 10 sptember and still not dilivered......thats awful......