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I odered ibanez rg42fm literally my dream guitar but after payment and all nealry 1 and 1/2months later they cancel my shipment giving some crap reasons, I had to wait for another half month to get refund and order another guitar from Amazon! Absolutely bullshit service by bajaao! Very disappointed ! Never again I'm ordering from Bajaao!
The RG series is always famous for the tone they provide. DiMarzio makes it more powerful.
A Product That Gives You The Best Performance.
the DiMarzio Tone Zone is a winner on this guitar!!!! Love it to the core
I odered ibanez rg42fm literally my dream guitar but after payment and all nealry 1 and 1/2months later they cancel my shipment giving some crap reasons, I had to wait for another half month to get refund and order another guitar from Amazon! Absolutely bullshit service by bajaao! Very disappointed ! Never again I'm ordering from Bajaao!
The RG series is always famous for the tone they provide. DiMarzio makes it more powerful.
A Product That Gives You The Best Performance.
the DiMarzio Tone Zone is a winner on this guitar!!!! Love it to the core