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best product for single pair of monitors u can enjoy or beats getting perfect sound
This unit works perfectly as a volume control using your computer soundcard feeding external powered monitors. It doesn't seem to add any noise and is indispensable in controlling speaker outputs if you're trying to do any kind of mastering.If you're just setting up studio monitors, check out various you tube videos on how to position the speakers and use phone apps to measure the sound at your listening position so you can balance everything correctly.
best product for single pair of monitors u can enjoy or beats getting perfect sound
This unit works perfectly as a volume control using your computer soundcard feeding external powered monitors. It doesn't seem to add any noise and is indispensable in controlling speaker outputs if you're trying to do any kind of mastering.If you're just setting up studio monitors, check out various you tube videos on how to position the speakers and use phone apps to measure the sound at your listening position so you can balance everything correctly.