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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This is a good product by Korg. Its easily accessible , economic product. A go-to synth , connect with any midi and it works wonders. its a small device and has very limited options which makes it amazing. You can do so much with limited options, speaks volumes about your creativity if used properly.
It's a great item if one knows how to use it with other instruments.Ex: with guitar, toy keyboards etc. I enjoyed it.
This is a good product by Korg. Its easily accessible , economic product. A go-to synth , connect with any midi and it works wonders. its a small device and has very limited options which makes it amazing. You can do so much with limited options, speaks volumes about your creativity if used properly.
It's a great item if one knows how to use it with other instruments.Ex: with guitar, toy keyboards etc. I enjoyed it.