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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This amp totally fulfills its vintage claims! The improved 2nd and 3rd harmonics really make a lot of difference, the only drawback is it is very heavy for a small amplifier, but this is a must buy!
This amp totally fulfills its vintage claims! The improved 2nd and 3rd harmonics really make a lot of difference, the only drawback is it is very heavy for a small amplifier, but this is a must buy!
This amp totally fulfills its vintage claims! The improved 2nd and 3rd harmonics really make a lot of difference, the only drawback is it is very heavy for a small amplifier, but this is a must buy!
This amp totally fulfills its vintage claims! The improved 2nd and 3rd harmonics really make a lot of difference, the only drawback is it is very heavy for a small amplifier, but this is a must buy!