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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Good for beginners, doesn't exceed space in the room(you can just place it on your PC or study table), good looking amp for room decoration aswell. The distortion that comes with the amp itself is not that good tho but if you connect it through with your phone by using the ToneBridge app you can select a different types/kinds of effects which makes it up for the amp distortion. All in all, for me its 5/5. Money well spent.
Good for beginners, doesn't exceed space in the room(you can just place it on your PC or study table), good looking amp for room decoration aswell. The distortion that comes with the amp itself is not that good tho but if you connect it through with your phone by using the ToneBridge app you can select a different types/kinds of effects which makes it up for the amp distortion. All in all, for me its 5/5. Money well spent.