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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I've had multiple monitors over the years including Adams, However these are perfect for my home setup. While the closest pair of Rokits sound tinny, These provide an absolute flat response and are essentially perfect. This is however subjective to your room environment. They do get pretty loud for near field monitors and don't clip even at high levels.Mackie is a very underrated brand in India but surely provides the most bang for the buck. They are built solid and will last a lifetime if treated well.
I've had multiple monitors over the years including Adams, However these are perfect for my home setup. While the closest pair of Rokits sound tinny, These provide an absolute flat response and are essentially perfect. This is however subjective to your room environment. They do get pretty loud for near field monitors and don't clip even at high levels.Mackie is a very underrated brand in India but surely provides the most bang for the buck. They are built solid and will last a lifetime if treated well.