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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
nice kit with 800 hardware
This is the best mid range kit in the market now. It sounds crisp and bright. Amazing sound quality due to its hybrid birch/maple/birch shells. The snare sounds superlative . The finish is like that of the high end DW's!
This is the best mid range kit in the market now. It sounds crisp and bright. Amazing sound quality due to its hybrid birch/maple/birch shells. The snare sounds superlative . The finish is like that of the high end DW's!
nice kit with 800 hardware
This is the best mid range kit in the market now. It sounds crisp and bright. Amazing sound quality due to its hybrid birch/maple/birch shells. The snare sounds superlative . The finish is like that of the high end DW's!
This is the best mid range kit in the market now. It sounds crisp and bright. Amazing sound quality due to its hybrid birch/maple/birch shells. The snare sounds superlative . The finish is like that of the high end DW's!