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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
They will never have a Martin D18 in stock. I have been checking this website for a couple of years. They have never been in stock. So why don’t you just take down this page? 5 star rating for the guitar. Definitely, the best one I have ever played.
If you dont have the guitar, then why you list it here
You list all the highend guitars but 95% of them are always out of stock.
They will never have a Martin D18 in stock. I have been checking this website for a couple of years. They have never been in stock. So why don’t you just take down this page? 5 star rating for the guitar. Definitely, the best one I have ever played.
If you dont have the guitar, then why you list it here
You list all the highend guitars but 95% of them are always out of stock.