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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
It is great for intermediate players. I used this pedal along with an Ibanez RG. It has fabulous preset tones. I would highly recommend this pedal as it can be worth a long-term investment and worth the price. If you purchase it as a beginner, getting used to the various settings can be a little bit intimidating at first, but the player will get used to it in quick time. Only this is you need to buy an expression pedal separate
It is great for intermediate players. I used this pedal along with an Ibanez RG. It has fabulous preset tones. I would highly recommend this pedal as it can be worth a long-term investment and worth the price. If you purchase it as a beginner, getting used to the various settings can be a little bit intimidating at first, but the player will get used to it in quick time. Only this is you need to buy an expression pedal separate