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This is one of the best modelling amps available in the market.Carrying forward the reputation and sound of the peavey vypyr models the vypyr vip models are first of their kind to provide support for multiple instruments. This series of amps can be used with electric, bass and acoustic guitar. The vip 2 has many additional instrument models than vip 1. Most important among them is the violin model. For all of them who are mad about innovative tones for the guitar (I am one) this is a big plus.
This is one of the best modelling amps available in the market.Carrying forward the reputation and sound of the peavey vypyr models the vypyr vip models are first of their kind to provide support for multiple instruments. This series of amps can be used with electric, bass and acoustic guitar. The vip 2 has many additional instrument models than vip 1. Most important among them is the violin model. For all of them who are mad about innovative tones for the guitar (I am one) this is a big plus.