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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I have been using this for a long time. very reliable and durable. its not a clip-on so takes a couple of seconds to screw this onto the right fret. but i dont move capo mid songs so it does the job well. stable and no fret buzz even up till the 12th fret.
So simple capo. Very easy to handle. Nice quality.
The customer care doesn't pick up, the personnel is rude and cut the call at times, the delivery was 2 weeks late. The products however are good as you expect them to be
Simple & Functional
I have been using this for a long time. very reliable and durable. its not a clip-on so takes a couple of seconds to screw this onto the right fret. but i dont move capo mid songs so it does the job well. stable and no fret buzz even up till the 12th fret.
So simple capo. Very easy to handle. Nice quality.
The customer care doesn't pick up, the personnel is rude and cut the call at times, the delivery was 2 weeks late. The products however are good as you expect them to be
Simple & Functional