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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The exerciser came without the starter cord or the CD (both of which were mentioned as included on the Planet Waves packet.) I suppose that's the risk with open box. Some accessories could get lost. I had to learn how to operate it by watching videos on Youtube, and rig up my own starter cord (which wasn't as simple as it sounds. It can't be too thick or thin, and shouldn't leave lint.) The exerciser itself works fine once I got it to work.
The exerciser came without the starter cord or the CD (both of which were mentioned as included on the Planet Waves packet.) I suppose that's the risk with open box. Some accessories could get lost. I had to learn how to operate it by watching videos on Youtube, and rig up my own starter cord (which wasn't as simple as it sounds. It can't be too thick or thin, and shouldn't leave lint.) The exerciser itself works fine once I got it to work.