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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Have to say this is complete beginners kit! Low price good quality kit!
I was a little disappointed as the toms and side drums are not really that good. But overall value for money.
This is truely an elite class entry level kit. I'm surprised at how under rated this kit is. I guess it's probably because people prefer the more known brands while shopping for drums. This kit is not to be underestimated by any standards. The hardware and the cymbals are worth every penny and are a modest buy. I've played on almost every kit ranging from the high end to the lower part of the spectrum and this one truly stands out in more ways than one.
Have to say this is complete beginners kit! Low price good quality kit!
I was a little disappointed as the toms and side drums are not really that good. But overall value for money.
This is truely an elite class entry level kit. I'm surprised at how under rated this kit is. I guess it's probably because people prefer the more known brands while shopping for drums. This kit is not to be underestimated by any standards. The hardware and the cymbals are worth every penny and are a modest buy. I've played on almost every kit ranging from the high end to the lower part of the spectrum and this one truly stands out in more ways than one.