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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This drumhead was better than I thought. Gives a good attack. Sounds good when played with any sticks. Fine-tuned, it will sound better than all other drumheads at this range.
Remo EN-0012-PS 12inch Batter Ebony Pinstripe Drum Head
Its a more thicker than Evans g1 head and has some what lower sustain.
Good attack and gave the exact sound what i was looking for.
This drumhead was better than I thought. Gives a good attack. Sounds good when played with any sticks. Fine-tuned, it will sound better than all other drumheads at this range.
Remo EN-0012-PS 12inch Batter Ebony Pinstripe Drum Head
Its a more thicker than Evans g1 head and has some what lower sustain.
Good attack and gave the exact sound what i was looking for.