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This little unit is really nice. Quite easy to use. Packed with a lot of nice features. The one drawback I found was no search feature if you have a substantial collection of music styles or smf's you have to scroll and scroll and scroll through them. Im spoiled with the Roland G70 and Discover 5 which can search by letter or number to bring up the smf or music style you are looking for. Other than that this unit is really nice Seems very well madeWith all the sounds and music styles it has in it. Its a good value
This little unit is really nice. Quite easy to use. Packed with a lot of nice features. The one drawback I found was no search feature if you have a substantial collection of music styles or smf's you have to scroll and scroll and scroll through them. Im spoiled with the Roland G70 and Discover 5 which can search by letter or number to bring up the smf or music style you are looking for. Other than that this unit is really nice Seems very well madeWith all the sounds and music styles it has in it. Its a good value