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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The Roland RMP-5 is a great piece of Musical equipment. I wish it had been around when I was first starting out on Drums. It would have steered me in the right direction with my timing accuracy, Dynamic ability & feel & groove control.It has so many features plus the added benefit of hearing what you play with real drum sounds, although the drum sounds can sound a bit machine gun like or unrealistic, it's programmable so you can search for the snare sound that best suites your personal taste. You need a set of headphones or an amp & speaker to hear the drum sounds, but if you want to do quiet practice it has a mini speaker which you can turn down the Drum sound & only hear the Metronomic .I love it. It is pleasure to play with this well made pad
The Roland RMP-5 is a great piece of Musical equipment. I wish it had been around when I was first starting out on Drums. It would have steered me in the right direction with my timing accuracy, Dynamic ability & feel & groove control.It has so many features plus the added benefit of hearing what you play with real drum sounds, although the drum sounds can sound a bit machine gun like or unrealistic, it's programmable so you can search for the snare sound that best suites your personal taste. You need a set of headphones or an amp & speaker to hear the drum sounds, but if you want to do quiet practice it has a mini speaker which you can turn down the Drum sound & only hear the Metronomic .I love it. It is pleasure to play with this well made pad