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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I bought this cymbal in January this year. At first I was skeptical about the sound or what I wanted out of it. Now that I use it whenever I play, it's absolutely amazing. Sabian has done wonders designing a cymbal which even though has dark characteristics, still has that pop when you lay into it! It works wonders as a ride too especially if you're a jazz player. I use this with a Sabian 21" AA rock ride to get some really satisfying contrast of sound.
I bought this cymbal in January this year. At first I was skeptical about the sound or what I wanted out of it. Now that I use it whenever I play, it's absolutely amazing. Sabian has done wonders designing a cymbal which even though has dark characteristics, still has that pop when you lay into it! It works wonders as a ride too especially if you're a jazz player. I use this with a Sabian 21" AA rock ride to get some really satisfying contrast of sound.