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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Looks Good but the experience of sound you feel better and better every time.
Absolutely premium product! Loved it from the moment its got delivered for my studio.
No second thoughts about the quality of soundcraft gb series boards.Was concerned about the reason for drastic price difference between shops and bajaao, still don't know the reason, but the board is lovely, the shipping was excellent. Bought this for our church, really loving it.Paid 47k for it,after additional 5% discount, fantastic buy. Highly recommendable.
Looks Good but the experience of sound you feel better and better every time.
Absolutely premium product! Loved it from the moment its got delivered for my studio.
No second thoughts about the quality of soundcraft gb series boards.Was concerned about the reason for drastic price difference between shops and bajaao, still don't know the reason, but the board is lovely, the shipping was excellent. Bought this for our church, really loving it.Paid 47k for it,after additional 5% discount, fantastic buy. Highly recommendable.