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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
A decent product, good service
I have been playing this guitar non stop since a few days now. absolute joy to play on and feel really intimate and warm sounding. the guitar has a high gloss finish.I used to play classical pieces and etudes on a normal acoustic guitar till I reached a point that I had to get a classical guitar for the right tone and execution.I'm glad I found this guitar with bajaao as I have purchased all of my guitars from them. Go for the product as it is the best classical guitar at this price range without a doubt.
A decent product, good service
I have been playing this guitar non stop since a few days now. absolute joy to play on and feel really intimate and warm sounding. the guitar has a high gloss finish.I used to play classical pieces and etudes on a normal acoustic guitar till I reached a point that I had to get a classical guitar for the right tone and execution.I'm glad I found this guitar with bajaao as I have purchased all of my guitars from them. Go for the product as it is the best classical guitar at this price range without a doubt.