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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
To be honest I loved the case. The overall built quality is great. I would not take it on road coz the tweed material looks kinda fragile to take the beating. But I like to store my guitars in Hardcases for which this gets the job done. I keep my fender Strat in it, the but is, since its a free size my fender has lots of space to move around inside the given space. Thats something you dont want. But as I said I just need to keep my instrument safe and this one gets the job done.
It is a good case . Very suitable for fender strat
To be honest I loved the case. The overall built quality is great. I would not take it on road coz the tweed material looks kinda fragile to take the beating. But I like to store my guitars in Hardcases for which this gets the job done. I keep my fender Strat in it, the but is, since its a free size my fender has lots of space to move around inside the given space. Thats something you dont want. But as I said I just need to keep my instrument safe and this one gets the job done.
It is a good case . Very suitable for fender strat