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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
It's practically only a Toy, Slightly better than Plastic Toy
The Voice in amplifier is too low & not melodic. Would require headphones but better an amplifier.
You can tune to some extent.
I will not mention any negative, becasue it was bought as Toy.
Only concern is that this will not initiate anyones/kids interest to learn Guitar.
But works well to click pictures to Show Off
It's practically only a Toy, Slightly better than Plastic Toy
The Voice in amplifier is too low & not melodic. Would require headphones but better an amplifier.
You can tune to some extent.
I will not mention any negative, becasue it was bought as Toy.
Only concern is that this will not initiate anyones/kids interest to learn Guitar.
But works well to click pictures to Show Off