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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
already have
The equipment is of solid material and high quality! Very happy with the package. Thanks to bajaao
This is basic Mic set but good quality.
This is an excellent bundle for somebody who is, like me, just starting singing
This set comes with the mic and mic stand. Which is gret buy!!
Bought this set for the my kid for his vocal practice turnout to be best mic for this price range
Must buy if are on a low budget...
already have
The equipment is of solid material and high quality! Very happy with the package. Thanks to bajaao
This is basic Mic set but good quality.
This is an excellent bundle for somebody who is, like me, just starting singing
This set comes with the mic and mic stand. Which is gret buy!!
Bought this set for the my kid for his vocal practice turnout to be best mic for this price range
Must buy if are on a low budget...