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excellent product, value for money and thanks to for timely delivery
Construction is great! Very stable build. I've only used 3 rack spaces so far but got the 8 rack module for future expansion. Put in a Focusrite Clarett 8preX and a Scarlett Octopre. The alignment of the screw panels is slightly off and took some effort to get them in line before ******** one of the interfaces in. But that's only with a certain area and not the whole module. Not too heavy by itself. Very good housing overall.
excellent product, value for money and thanks to for timely delivery
Construction is great! Very stable build. I've only used 3 rack spaces so far but got the 8 rack module for future expansion. Put in a Focusrite Clarett 8preX and a Scarlett Octopre. The alignment of the screw panels is slightly off and took some effort to get them in line before ******** one of the interfaces in. But that's only with a certain area and not the whole module. Not too heavy by itself. Very good housing overall.