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Thunderplugs Classic Hearing Protection Earplugs - Version 2
Thunderplugs Classic Hearing Protection Earplugs - Version 2
This website chitt me .... I loss my 1000 money
Looking after our ears must be the last thing we think about but as a musician keeping your hearing good is one of the most important thing to do, these earplugs reduce the noise to a comfortable level and the great thing is they preserve the sound quality so that you can still enjoy your concerts
These beauts are amazing. Brilliant ear protection with a very non-invasive feel while being worn. However, considering I have already managed to lose one plug after one night of use at a gig, I have understood that while immediately storing them back in the provided travel case reduces the chances of losing them, the operation is precarious to manage, especially when you have to remove your earplugs more often than once during the course of the night. Perhaps a simpler Open/Close mechanism on the provided case will solve the problem. As for me, I will be ordering another pair soon, unless I find the other plug by some luck.
Very helpful in band rehearsals, live shows a must have for musicians.
I just did a gig with these things on, and they considerably reduce the volume of your hearing. Even with acoustic drums banging away barely 3 ft away from me, I was not fatigued and was still able to monitor myself using the FOH Monitors.
This is my first purchasing a earplugs. And to be honest this one exceeded my expectations. in a 1000 rupees mark this might be best pair of earplugs you can buy at
I'm a beginner producer and since I felt that my ears hurt after every couple of hours I sit with my computer. I felt the need to buy these earplugs. These were the cheapest reusable and functional plugs I found online. They also came with a container/opener keychain so they're easy to carry.
Thunderplugs Classic Hearing Protection Earplugs - Version 2
Thunderplugs Classic Hearing Protection Earplugs - Version 2
This website chitt me .... I loss my 1000 money
Looking after our ears must be the last thing we think about but as a musician keeping your hearing good is one of the most important thing to do, these earplugs reduce the noise to a comfortable level and the great thing is they preserve the sound quality so that you can still enjoy your concerts
These beauts are amazing. Brilliant ear protection with a very non-invasive feel while being worn. However, considering I have already managed to lose one plug after one night of use at a gig, I have understood that while immediately storing them back in the provided travel case reduces the chances of losing them, the operation is precarious to manage, especially when you have to remove your earplugs more often than once during the course of the night. Perhaps a simpler Open/Close mechanism on the provided case will solve the problem. As for me, I will be ordering another pair soon, unless I find the other plug by some luck.
Very helpful in band rehearsals, live shows a must have for musicians.
I just did a gig with these things on, and they considerably reduce the volume of your hearing. Even with acoustic drums banging away barely 3 ft away from me, I was not fatigued and was still able to monitor myself using the FOH Monitors.
This is my first purchasing a earplugs. And to be honest this one exceeded my expectations. in a 1000 rupees mark this might be best pair of earplugs you can buy at
I'm a beginner producer and since I felt that my ears hurt after every couple of hours I sit with my computer. I felt the need to buy these earplugs. These were the cheapest reusable and functional plugs I found online. They also came with a container/opener keychain so they're easy to carry.