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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The drum sticks are good - and seems durable to me. Light weight and nice finish. Although, Bajaao took 24 days to deliver the product to my place. 4 stars for the product, 0 to Bajaao for their service.
good durable sticks.
Product is awesome, no doubt about it. Due to some issues on their end, they delivered late. If bajaao improves on delivery punctuality, that would be greatful.
The drum sticks are good - and seems durable to me. Light weight and nice finish. Although, Bajaao took 24 days to deliver the product to my place. 4 stars for the product, 0 to Bajaao for their service.
good durable sticks.
Product is awesome, no doubt about it. Due to some issues on their end, they delivered late. If bajaao improves on delivery punctuality, that would be greatful.