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it is really good
Vault VI1040 3/4 Solid Violin By Bajaao With Hard Case, Rosin and Bow is good instrument for the price i paid. i recommend the same to the beginners.
My cousin's got this one and its just so good. and so affordable
A good violin for beginners. Worth the price. The bridge is not fitted and needs to be lowered. The nut is also a bit high. But overall much better than local made Indian violins. Has a good sound. The pre-fitted strings seem to be for 4/4 violin.
it is really good
Vault VI1040 3/4 Solid Violin By Bajaao With Hard Case, Rosin and Bow is good instrument for the price i paid. i recommend the same to the beginners.
My cousin's got this one and its just so good. and so affordable
A good violin for beginners. Worth the price. The bridge is not fitted and needs to be lowered. The nut is also a bit high. But overall much better than local made Indian violins. Has a good sound. The pre-fitted strings seem to be for 4/4 violin.