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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
VERVETRONIX should rename this pedal as OMG DISTORTION PEDAL !!This is a tough competitor to other pocket distortion pedals in this range which includes dark matter / metal muff / pocket muff / boss ds 1&2 distortion pedals.This pedal offers tones right from overdrive to heavy gain distortion for all kinds of metal & sub genres of rock . I now own a rig of all VERVETRONIX pedals .A total value for money !!
VERVETRONIX should rename this pedal as OMG DISTORTION PEDAL !!This is a tough competitor to other pocket distortion pedals in this range which includes dark matter / metal muff / pocket muff / boss ds 1&2 distortion pedals.This pedal offers tones right from overdrive to heavy gain distortion for all kinds of metal & sub genres of rock . I now own a rig of all VERVETRONIX pedals .A total value for money !!