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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The sound is amazing and the size is perfect only the inside wiring was attatched ti the wall with tape but the double sided tape came off. The amp still works though and ive hit it against sfuff quite a few times its still perfect
Awesome guitar. I like it.
Thanks a lot to received my desired orderd Apx600 Yamaha electro acoustic guitar in absolutely fresh & new condition. I am very happy with Bajao,s service & also thanks to Mr Bhaskar.
The sound is amazing and the size is perfect only the inside wiring was attatched ti the wall with tape but the double sided tape came off. The amp still works though and ive hit it against sfuff quite a few times its still perfect
Awesome guitar. I like it.
Thanks a lot to received my desired orderd Apx600 Yamaha electro acoustic guitar in absolutely fresh & new condition. I am very happy with Bajao,s service & also thanks to Mr Bhaskar.