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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
For the price, it is the best value for the money.
I ordered this on the 15th of September and its stuck in Transhipment with FedEx from the 21st till the 26th in my own city. Did raise this concern with Bajaao, they did raise a ticket and were working on it but it would take another 5 to 7 days for the product to reach me. You may have the best product but if you have the worst transhipment vendor - YOU SUCK............ Bajaao you need to change your Vendor for delivery [other Ecom sited like Amazon, Flipkart and even Snapdeal] have better delivery services....
Best amplifier in this range
For the price, it is the best value for the money.
I ordered this on the 15th of September and its stuck in Transhipment with FedEx from the 21st till the 26th in my own city. Did raise this concern with Bajaao, they did raise a ticket and were working on it but it would take another 5 to 7 days for the product to reach me. You may have the best product but if you have the worst transhipment vendor - YOU SUCK............ Bajaao you need to change your Vendor for delivery [other Ecom sited like Amazon, Flipkart and even Snapdeal] have better delivery services....
Best amplifier in this range