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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
It's very portable and well built well its Yamaha so no surprises there. Loads of styles and really authentic sounding instruments so its addictive and makes playing just a dream and always fun, also with midi and usb additions the sounds and options are literally limitless. Ive taken my time to write this cause well i knew i would love it and now ive had it for a few months and i know its gonna be around for years to come. I must admit i was confused between a few of them and most definitely am grateful to the very informed sales team there who well joined me in my search of finding this awesome instrument for me. Cheers BAJAAO
It is just an amazing product. Create your own voice with the expansion manager. Worth to buy.
It's very portable and well built well its Yamaha so no surprises there. Loads of styles and really authentic sounding instruments so its addictive and makes playing just a dream and always fun, also with midi and usb additions the sounds and options are literally limitless. Ive taken my time to write this cause well i knew i would love it and now ive had it for a few months and i know its gonna be around for years to come. I must admit i was confused between a few of them and most definitely am grateful to the very informed sales team there who well joined me in my search of finding this awesome instrument for me. Cheers BAJAAO
It is just an amazing product. Create your own voice with the expansion manager. Worth to buy.