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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Got this cymbal way back in 2018 when it was priced much lesser than this (25K) but after using it for exactly 6 years (today is her birthday) this cymbal never failed to amaze me. The washy, dark, low pitched sound fits perfect for Blues & Jazz. Good for Rock too, but not recommended. As it doesn't likes to be hard hitted. Go for it! You'll love it for a lifetime!
Got this cymbal way back in 2018 when it was priced much lesser than this (25K) but after using it for exactly 6 years (today is her birthday) this cymbal never failed to amaze me. The washy, dark, low pitched sound fits perfect for Blues & Jazz. Good for Rock too, but not recommended. As it doesn't likes to be hard hitted. Go for it! You'll love it for a lifetime!