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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Lightweight Portable Multipurpose recorder, sampler, sequencer and control surface. It is capable of 8 mono track simultaneous playback but only can add DSP effect to one track. (Most useful on the master track)
There are plenty of features, the sound quality is good, but the built quality is ok.
Lightweight Portable Multipurpose recorder, sampler, sequencer and control surface. It is capable of 8 mono track simultaneous playback but only can add DSP effect to one track. (Most useful on the master track)
Lightweight Portable Multipurpose recorder, sampler, sequencer and control surface. It is capable of 8 mono track simultaneous playback but only can add DSP effect to one track. (Most useful on the master track)
There are plenty of features, the sound quality is good, but the built quality is ok.
Lightweight Portable Multipurpose recorder, sampler, sequencer and control surface. It is capable of 8 mono track simultaneous playback but only can add DSP effect to one track. (Most useful on the master track)