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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Its not exactly shotgun not exactly ambient but somehwere in between, great for the price but don't expect to record long range stuff.Buy the shotgun module instead.
Bought it for ambience recordings for film. used it with H5. The only good part is, you get a MS SHOTGUN in this price range. Bad parts, I felt the tone is boosted in high-mid range& less low. The preamp is noisy. you can't boost the mic gain above 65%..
Its not exactly shotgun not exactly ambient but somehwere in between, great for the price but don't expect to record long range stuff.Buy the shotgun module instead.
Bought it for ambience recordings for film. used it with H5. The only good part is, you get a MS SHOTGUN in this price range. Bad parts, I felt the tone is boosted in high-mid range& less low. The preamp is noisy. you can't boost the mic gain above 65%..